Choroba filipińska


Lit. “Filipino disease”. It is a playful way to say that somebody is currently drunk or even, an alcoholic. This expression was brought to life in 2007 following a speech by former Polish President Aleksander Kwaśniewski on an election rally. The politician made some comical remarks and his speech was not fully coherent.

Taking into account a couple other occasions on which Kwaśniewski had had similar problems, some journalists hinted that he was simply drunk. He himself rejected the accusations on a press conference and admitted taking a medication against a mysterious disease contracted during a visit to the Philippines, which he said causes the dizziness as a side-effect. Most of the public did not believe him and journalists have coined the expression and used it whenever a politician looks tipsy.


Fakt przybycia do parlamentu „w stanie wskazującym” jest równie naganny jak choroba filipińska byłego prezydenta.

Juncker z “chorobą filipińską“. Pijany przewodniczący podczas szczytu NATO.

Choroba filipińska dopadła nie tylko Aleksandra Kwaśniewskiego. Prezydent Czech też zachorował. Milosz Zeman podczas ważnych uroczystości państwowych miał problemy z utrzymaniem równowagi.


na bani, na rauszu, na podwójnym gazie, zalany, wstawiony, w stanie wskazującym

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