Lit. “speak of the wolf” is the Polish way of saying “speak of the devil”. So: pointing that the person or the topic mentioned has just materialised.
Lit. “speak of the wolf” is the Polish way of saying “speak of the devil”. So: pointing that the person or the topic mentioned has just materialised.
Lit. “like a beaten dog” means to look or feel very miserable, unhappy. Used to describe people who have just suffered a defeat, received really bad news, got abused or disrespected or plagued by remorses.
Lit. “like a mouse under the broom” is a way to say that someone sits very quietly, behaves calmly so as not to draw attention to oneself. It is usually preceded by “siedzieć cicho” but is understandable on its own.
Lit. “like a trumpet out of a goat’s ass” which to Poles means someone or something inadequate, unable to fulfil the purpose, not as advertised, unprofessional.
Lit. “a sperm whale” is a very impolite and offensive way to refer to obese people. This term stresses that you find them unattractive and is especially often used by males discussing women’s appearance.