Lit. “on a full whore”. The “kurwa” being the most common Polish swearword, it does not necessarily mean a prostitute here, more like US American “fuck”.
Lit. “on a full whore”. The “kurwa” being the most common Polish swearword, it does not necessarily mean a prostitute here, more like US American “fuck”.
Lit. something like “not-fucked-until-end”, “incompletely-screwed” which the action refers not to our target person but her/his parents: they conceived their child but missed an important part in the process and the resulting human is not fully capable mentally or/and physically.
Lit. “eye-fucking” which is an adjective used to describe very flashy colours like electric green or bright yellow. Used often to point that someone’s clothes are extravagant or a car’s bodywork shines bright.
This is a strange one, mainly because it contains a completely non-existent word made up just to fit the rhyme. As a consequence, you really must have heard it a couple times in various contexts to understand its meaning and tonality.
Lit. “made with a soft (supple) cock” – as opposed to made with a hard (erect) cock, which is… a good standard. This expression is usually targeted at people to point that they lack an attitude, courage, sense of honour or any morals.