Kawa na ławę


Lit. “(to put) the coffee on the table”. Which is used to signify that one is speaking plainly and straight to the point instead of using lenghtly introductions to a topic or being evasive about her/his real intentions. You can also use it with an exclamation mark to (quite bluntly) encourage your interlocutor to get to the point.

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Wypić nawarzone przez siebie piwo


Lit. “to drink the beer one has brewed”. This metaphor is used in several variants, but ultimately means the same: you need to face the consequences of your (often unwise) decisions or deeds. Funnily, it is sometimes directed at kids to teach them a sense of responsibility, even though you only can legally buy a beer in Poland once you turn eighteen. The meaning is somewhat similar to “to eat humble pie” but stresses consequences more – and humiliation less.

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