Lit. “as over a grizzly bitch”, which is usually preceded by the verb “jeździć” – to ride, run. The literal meaning is to run somebody over (with a car) as if the poor animal. The figurative meaning is to constantly slander, offend or curse someone, to voice a worst possible opinion of a person.
The expression is used when a grouchy granpa scorns his grandson every time they meet for not having married yet. Or if an employee recounts stories of his boss’ dumbness behind his back. Using the metaphor stresses the fact that the target does or cannot react to the insults and that it is not something that happened just once.
Aleks, ty już sprzedałeś wszystkie akcje CDP? Bo od kilku tygodni jedziesz po “Cyberpunku” jak po burej suce…
Matka jedzie po mnie jak po burej suce kłamiąc na mój temat z tym, że nie pracuję (mam dwie prace i jeszcze roznoszę ulotki).
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