Platfusy i pisuary


Lit. “flat feeters and pissioirs” are the two dominant parties on the Polish political scene. It is not a domination on the scale of the US or the UK but still, most of political debates in the country concentrate between them.

This has been the case since 2001 when a very wide election alliance called AWS decomposed. Both parties (or rather, party alliances) trace their beginnings there while taking different approaches to some matters.

Pisuary – official name: Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (Law and Justice, PiS) – have been ruling Poland for the last two four-year periods since 2015. The party itself is undisputedly ruled by the 74-years old Jarosław Kaczyński who lacks charisma and popularity but is an able strategist. His advanced age is the party’s elephant in the room. The style of PiS’ politics is quite populist. They policies are etatist and actually, quite left. They underscore traditional values, Polish history and ties with Christianity. They frequently criticise the EU, pointing at it serving mostly interests of Germany. Which is what they accuse the other party of, too.

Platfusy – official name: Platforma Obywatelska (Civic Platform, PO) – have ruled Poland between 2007 and 2015. Then they lost elections to the PiS, following a scandal involving recordings of their top politicians’ drunken (and soberingly frank) conversations. This did not include the then-and-now party leader Donald Tusk, who left Poland for Brussels to become president of the European Council. He is 8 years younger than Kaczyński, has more charisma and is still old enough to have been a member of anti-communist opposition. His party presents itself as a more modern, liberal and pro-market alternative, decidedly pro-EU. They are more popular in large cities and western Poland, while PiS takes eastern Poland, smaller cities and the countryside.


Posłowie PiS mówią o nas platfusy, platformersi. W języku politycznym to dopuszczalne – powiedział Schetyna w TVN24.

Za atak na polski Orlen platfusy przegrają wybory. Seria oszczerstw, jest zorganizowaną kampanią polityczną POdłej opozycji na szkodę akcjonariuszu Orlenu i polskiej gospodarki.

Tyle lat minęło, a wy platfusy nadal stoicie w miejscu. Nadal wierna slużba ideom Niemiec. “Po co nam CPK, skoro mamy lotnisko w Berlinie”. “Po co przekop mierzei” itp. Naród widzi, że jesteście zaprzańcami.

Pisuary rządzą od 2015 roku. Ile potrzebują czasu na reformę służby zdrowia? Co obiecywali przed dojściem do władzy?

Ziobro obsadził swoimi ludźmi prokuraturę żeby jego kolegom z PISuaru włos z głowy nie spadł. Mogą spokojnie dalej robić swoje przekręty, i tak Ziobro wszystko umorzy.

To jest wlaśnie dobra zmiana. Nieźle PiSuary niszczą Polske i gnębią zwykłych Polaków!

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